Sunday, July 26, 2015

Weekly Round-UP: July 19th-25th

Lordy Otakon was a thing, I was still sewing my cosplay (Kureha from Yuri Kuma Arashi) the day I was set to wear it, so glad it's going to be three weeks later next year since I clearly need those weeks! I'll post a write-up of the con later in the week and I can link to it in the next round-up if anyone is interested.

As for actual writing, I still had two pieces post last week! One was the Summer 2015 Anime Round-UP, I should note that I have tried out Castle Town Dandelion and Aquarion Logos now, Dandelion was fun fluff I'll try a few more episodes for and Logos was dull (but that Aquarion Evol OVA was tons of fun) and the other was another joint Shoujo You Should Know write-up on Natsume and the Book of Friends (Natsume Yuujinchou). Funny enough, there seems to be this weird pattern where big news comes out about each series after we write about it and right after Muse and I finished our post I found a post on tumblr that suggest that Natsume is finally making some plot-related movement regarding his family, that one post is enough that I really want to catch up with the series now!