Monday, April 6, 2015

Weekly Round-UP: March 22-April 4 Edition

One of the many, many downsides to working on a non-fixed schedule, it's really hard to develop a pattern or schedule to make sure I get these posts up on time! As a head's up, there's a 50-50 chance tonight's review will go up tomorrow since I have a terrible work shift tonight that needs to go die in a fire so let me leave everyone with some reading material.

Anime-wise, I reviewed Yona of the Dawn last week and I'm pretty happy with the post as well as the views I've gotten. I know that my first one, maybe first three, posts after an anime series end have the highest views so I'm trying to keep that in mind when I order my posts, gotta give preference to the things I like! And I was quoted in APR again on GBFT, I don't care if they quote everyone it still makes me happy.

Comic-wise, I talked about the ongoing series Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches (also on OASG) and Cucumber Quest. I meant to have another review on OASG but then I realized that someone else had already reviewed the title I was working on so I'll be sure to dump that on tumblr in the next few days so it doesn't go to waste.

On the silver screen I talk about Marvel's Agent Carter mini-series from this past winter, I enjoyed it and have been enjoying Agents of SHIELD but I've fallen really behind on that one, especially since Carter reminded me of how much of a pain it is to watch a (non-HD) broadcast on my tv instead of on my computer.

Finally for books I have two wildly different reviews, the middle grade book Greenglass House and the adult fiction City of Stairs. Both really great but GGH had some trouble with it's villain and while I liked CoS I've seen the summary for it's sequel and don't like the sounds of it.